coach manufacturing
Welcome to Balius Xanthus!
Balius Xanthus is an automotive coach manufacturing company established by Mr. M. Jermiah Sandeep and Mr. Prashanth Sagar in the year 2017. Strong engineering knowledge combined with rich industry experience is what makes up BX.
It was established with the main focus to build innovative new products, engineered to meet today’s market requirements in automotive coach building and allied fields.
Emphasis on design and technical aspects to improve the quality and safety standards along with a focus on new material usage and manufacturing processes, we promise to manufacture products that meet customer satisfaction.

Pet Grooming
Innovative, Pet-friendly, Mobile

Food Trucks
Versatile, Delicious, On-the-go

Patrol and QRT Vehicles
Efficient, Compact, Fuel-friendly

Mobile Class Rooms & Libraries
Flexible, Educational, Accessible
Innovative coach building with high design and quality standards is what we offer our distinguished customers. We build anything from basic ambulances to sophisticated mobile labs medical units to luxurious caravans/campers.
All our products are unique and customized to specific needs of the client.
Repairs, maintenance and detailing services, provided with experience, care, precision and expertise.
Peter Bowman
Senior Manager
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